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Modeling a Periodic Heat Load
Interested in modeling periodic, or pulsed, heat loads? Modeling such a situation accurately and efficiently in COMSOL Multiphysics® is simple with the Events interface. Learn more…

New and Revamped Chemical Engineering Interfaces
Get an overview of the modeling interfaces for reaction engineering and mass transport in COMSOL Multiphysics®, including the Chemistry and Reaction Engineering interfaces.

Using Degeneracy Breaking to Design a MEMS Biosensor
Researchers from Newcastle University in the U.K. used simulation to investigate the effects of material and geometric symmetry breaking in a degenerate mode sensor. Get the full story >>

2015: A Year Celebrating Light and Light-Based Technologies
The UN General Assembly designated 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies. Take a look at a few interesting technologies in which light plays a crucial role.

Thermodynamic Equilibrium of Plasmas
Are you interested in modeling plasmas with the COMSOL® software? Get an overview of the different plasma types and when to use each of the interfaces available in the Plasma Module.

Discretizing the Weak Form Equations
In another installment of our blog series on the weak form equations, get an overview of how these equations are discretized and solved numerically in the COMSOL® software.

The Science Behind Stained Glass
From the Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows in Chicago to the Mapparium at The Mary Eddy Baker Library in Boston, we go over the history behind stunning stained glass windows.

Why Car Batteries Perform Poorly in Cold Weather
Have you ever gone to start your car on a cold winter morning and nothing happens? The battery’s ability to convert chemical energy into electrical energy can be affected by low temperatures.