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Ray Tracing in Monochromators and Spectrometers

December 25, 2014

Spectrometers are optical devices that measure some property of radiation as a function of its frequency, while monochromators transmit radiation of a specific frequency.

Maximum Evaluations on Parallel Sections

December 24, 2014

Postprocessing trick: You can evaluate and plot the maximum, minimum, average, or integration value of any variable at various parallel sections along the axial coordinate of your model.

Modeling a Surface Micromachined Accelerometer

December 23, 2014

There are plenty of MEMS manufacturing techniques, but surface micromachining is preferred because it can merge electronic components and freely moving mechanical parts onto one substrate.

Photos from the COMSOL Conference 2014 Bangalore

December 22, 2014

Engineers and academics from across India gathered to participate in the COMSOL Conference 2014 Bangalore. Browse a slideshow of photos from the event here.

COMSOL Conference 2014 Bangalore Award Winners

December 19, 2014

Some of the award-winning research topics from the COMSOL Conference 2014 Bangalore include hydrodynamics, direct heating of uranium rods, microwave radiation, and more.

Fillet Away Your Electromagnetic Field Singularities

December 18, 2014

Did you know that you can use fillets and chamfers in your electromagnetics models to avoid electromagnetic field singularities? Learn how in this tutorial blog post.

Electroplating Simulations for Printed Circuit Board Designers

December 17, 2014

The manufacture of a printed circuit board (PCB) often involves a process called electroplating, which can vary from design to design. A simulation app can make it easy to analyze this process.

Modeling Beam Neutralization with a Charge Exchange Cell

December 16, 2014

A charge exchange cell refers to an area of high-density gas that is placed in the path of an ion beam. You can model a charge exchange cell to analyze its neutralization efficiency.