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How to Easily Connect 1D Pipes to 3D Flow Domains
You can easily connect 1D pipes to 3D flow domains for your pipe flow simulations using a feature in the Pipe Flow Module available as of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.0.

New Accumulators Boost Particle and Ray Tracing Functionality
Accumulators, a series of features available in the Particle Tracing Module, can be used to couple the results of a particle tracing simulation to other physics interfaces.

Which Fatigue Model Should I Choose?
Have you ever asked yourself, “Which fatigue model should I use in my simulations?” If so, read this blog post for a comprehensive overview of the available Fatigue Module models.

Create Geometry from an Imported Mesh
Did you know that as of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.0, imported meshes can easily be converted into solid geometry objects for further investigation and modeling capabilities?

Apps for Teaching Mathematical Modeling of Tubular Reactors
Chemical engineering students can use the Tubular Reactor app to model a nonideal tubular reactor and investigate the impact of different operating conditions. Learn more >>

Working with Imported CAD Designs
The CAD Import Module, Design Module, and LiveLink™ products go beyond the capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics® with CAD tools for repairing and preparing a geometry for simulation.

A Brief Introduction to the Weak Form
Whether or not you use finite element analysis and vector calculus in your daily life, you’ll appreciate this introduction to the weak form equations.

Modeling Thermally Induced Focal Shift in High-Powered Laser Systems
You can use the Ray Optics Module to create a fully self-consistent model of laser propagation that includes thermal and structural effects. Here, we take you through the process step by step.