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Modeling a Displacement Ventilation System

January 27, 2014

There are 2 different types of ventilation systems: mixing ventilation and displacement ventilation. Displacement ventilation is mainly found in offices, schools, and other public spaces.

Hybrid Parallel Computing Speeds Up Physics Simulations

January 23, 2014

Remember 20 years ago, when the TOP500 list was dominated by vector processing supercomputers equipped with up to a thousand processing units? Let’s take a walk through history to the future.

Multiphysics Analysis of Advanced Materials: Ceramic Matrix Composites

January 20, 2014

A guest blogger from AltaSim Technologies discusses ceramic matrix composites and how to accurately analyze the production of such an advanced material.

Modeling Electromagnetic Waves and Periodic Structures

January 17, 2014

Oftentimes, it is of interest to model an EM wave (light, microwaves) incident upon periodic structures, such as diffraction gratings, metamaterials, and frequency selective surfaces.

Modeling PSU Cooling with COMSOL

January 15, 2014

A forced convection cooling system, such as a PSU, is used for removing excess heat produced by electrical computer components. You can model this device in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Solving Algebraic Field Equations

January 14, 2014

COMSOL Multiphysics® is commonly used to solve PDEs, ODEs, and initial value problems. However, did you know that you can also solve algebraic and even transcendental equations?

New Technology Advancements for Indoor Navigation

January 13, 2014

Global position systems, more commonly known as GPS, make it easy to navigate from place to place. But what about navigating inside an actual building? Indoor navigation makes this possible.

Differentially Pumped Vacuum Systems for Spectroscopic Imaging

January 9, 2014

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is an imaging technique used extensively in R&D to characterize the chemical and electronic properties at the surface of a material. Learn about this technique.