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The Origin Story of the Sampling Theorem and Vladimir Kotelnikov
Less than a century ago, we didn’t have the theorem that is fundamental to our understanding of electronic communication today. Fortunately, Vladimir Kotelnikov entered the picture.
Analyzing the Acoustics of a Head and Torso Simulator
Acoustics engineers designing hearing aids, cellphones, and headphones can perform standardized measurements faster and cheaper with simulation, as shown in this example.
Happy Birthday, James Joseph Sylvester
Ever heard the word combiants? What about plagiograph, allotrius, or zetaic? The Shakespeare of mathematics, James Joseph Sylvester used his love of poetry to find new ways to describe theories.
How to Use Solver Suggestions in Acoustics Modeling
When you model large, industry-scale acoustics, ever find it challenging to efficiently solve the problem with the hardware at hand? Enter the solver suggestions in COMSOL Multiphysics®.
A Look Back at Early Film Technology
Did you know that one of the most prominent filmmakers during the advent of cinema was Thomas Edison? Here, we discuss early film technology, instruments, and the people who used them.
The Importance of Thermal Radiation in Your Models
Conduction and convection tend to get more attention from simulation engineers, but radiation plays an important role as well. Learn how (and why) to account for thermal radiation in your models.
Happy Birthday, Samuel P. Langley
The person behind the NASA Langley Research Center, Samuel P. Langley once invented a system of standardized time in order to get more funding for his astronomical observatory.
How to Refine and Adapt Imported Meshes
2 features for getting the most out of your imported meshes: 1. The Refine operation quickly reduces element size. 2. The Adapt operation modifies the element size via an expression.