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Automatic Time Step and Order Selection in Time-Dependent Problems
Here’s an intro to the time-dependent solver log in COMSOL Multiphysics® and an in-depth look at the theory behind discrete time-stepping schemes and optimal time steps and discretization orders.
Building a Magnetohydrodynamic Multiphysics Model in COMSOL®
Magnetohydrodynamic models call for fluid dynamics and electromagnetics couplings. To do so, you can set up bidirectional couplings between all physics equations or building a simplified model.
Using Simulation Software in the Courtroom
Simulation is inherently a representation of reality. In court, lawyers establish what did or did not happen in reality and why. So what happens when simulation software is used in a legal case?
COMSOL Multiphysics® Version 5.4 Named 2018 Product of the Year
We’re raising a glass in celebration: Tech Briefs magazine presented COMSOL with a 2018 Readers’ Choice Product of the Year award for COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.4 and COMSOL Compiler™.
Happy Birthday, James Clerk Maxwell
Maxwell’s equations, which describe how electric and magnetic fields behave and interact, revolutionized electromagnetics. Did you know that James Clerk Maxwell also took the first color photo?
Introduction to Modeling Acoustic-Structure Interactions in COMSOL®
To model an ASI problem, you need to account for the behavior of elastic waves in solids, pressure waves in fluids, and their interaction. The COMSOL® software includes interfaces for doing so.
Optimizing PID Controller Performance with COMSOL Multiphysics®
PID controllers involve three components that must work together simultaneously, and it can be challenging to get each of them just right. That’s where process control simulation comes in.
Frequency Response of Mechanical Systems
Read this blog post for a detailed look at damped mechanical systems, a guide to setting up frequency-response analyses in COMSOL®, and a discussion of how to interpret your results.