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How to Use the Cluster Sweep Node in COMSOL Multiphysics®

June 12, 2018

Keep your cluster admin happy by using the Cluster Sweep node in COMSOL Multiphysics® to optimize the parallelization of parametric computations on clusters.

How to Set Up a Mesh in COMSOL Multiphysics® for CFD Analyses

June 11, 2018

As a flow mechanics specialist preparing a mesh for CFD analysis, the geometry supplied by a CAD team is often exactly what you do not want. So, what do you do?

Happy Birthday, Henry Darcy

June 10, 2018

Henry Darcy was a civil engineer whose study of fluid dynamics led to the formulation of the equation now known as Darcy’s law. It also helped supply his small town in France with drinking water.

Does It Matter Which Ball the FIFA World Cup™ Teams Practiced With?

June 6, 2018

In an attempt to determine what type of soccer ball is best to prepare for the FIFA World Cup™, we set up a backyard experiment involving a leaf blower, level, and a few soccer balls.

Optimizing Combustion Particle Control in an Electric Filter Design

June 5, 2018

To optimize the design of an electrostatic filter, researchers from Switzerland used multiphysics modeling, validating their results by comparing them to experimental data.

How to Create Animations Along the Azimuthal Direction for 3D Models

June 4, 2018

Here’s a useful postprocessing trick for presenting your 3D modeling results: combine slice plots along the azimuthal direction in order to generate a nontrivial animation.

Terminal Velocity, Drag Coefficients, and FIFA World Cup™ Predictions

June 1, 2018

Is it possible to predict the winners of the FIFA World Cup™? We forgo consulting a psychic and instead analyze the terminal velocity and drag coefficients of different balls with CFD simulation.

Modeling Free Surfaces in COMSOL Multiphysics® with Moving Mesh

May 31, 2018

You can model free liquid surfaces that do not undergo topology changes using moving mesh functionality in the COMSOL® software. Here’s a thorough guide on how to do so.