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Blog Posts Tagged Acoustics Module

Using the Port Boundary Condition in Acoustic Waveguide Models

April 25, 2019

By combining several Port boundary conditions, you can easily compute the transmission and insertion loss in exhaust and muffler systems. See more benefits of this feature for acoustics modeling.

Fine-Tuning the Design of Piezoelectric Transducers with Simulation

April 5, 2019

A variety of use cases and a variety of physics: Piezoelectric transducer designs need to account for electric currents, pressure acoustics, stress-strain, and acoustic-structure interaction.

Defying Gravity with a Realistic Acoustic Levitator Model

March 27, 2019

It’s not just science fiction: Objects really can levitate. 1 way this is possible is by using sound waves to lift and suspend particles midair. Simulation can broaden the use of this technology.

How to Model Fundamental Sources in Enclosed Spaces

January 17, 2019

How do Archimedes, a gold crown, and a bathtub relate to acoustics modeling? Find out in this blog post on modeling fundamental sources in enclosed spaces that will have you shouting “eureka!”

How to Model Piezoelectric Devices as Both Transmitters and Receivers

December 20, 2018

Certain types of transducers can act as both transmitters and receivers. We demonstrate how to use 2 features for modeling this type of piezoelectric device.

Simulating Nonlinear Sound Propagation in an Acoustic Horn

December 4, 2018

The Westervelt model enables you to perform complex acoustics analyses, such as modeling the propagation of nonlinear acoustic waves generated by an exponential horn.

Seeing Through Solids: Discovery and Applications of Photoacoustics

August 30, 2018

The field of photoacoustics started with Alexander Graham Bell and some sunlight. Now, photoacoustic imaging is used for nearly anything involving generating images of opaque material samples.

Analyzing a Loudspeaker Array with a Bessel Panel Benchmark Model

July 23, 2018

Engineers can design optimized loudspeaker arrays and other acoustics systems by analyzing a benchmark model of a Bessel panel system like the one featured in this blog post.