Blog Posts Tagged Multibody Dynamics Module

Biomechanical Model Evaluates Human Response to Vibrations
Take a look at a biomechanical model of the human body in a sitting posture, which can be used to analyze how vibrations (like those from a moving vehicle) affect different parts of the body.

Improving Your Golf Swing with a Multibody Analysis
The outcome of a golf stroke is determined by the movement of the club head just prior to impact with the ball. Therefore, one theoretically could improve their golf swing via multibody analysis.

Selecting First Gear: Investigating a Classic Car Gearshift Mechanism
Follow along as we perform a multibody dynamics analysis of the gearshift mechanism in a classic car. Read to hit the road?

Simulating an Engine Governor, the Spring Loaded Centrifugal Governor
We’ve probably all seen centrifugal force in action in one way or another, whether it be riding on a merry-go-round as a child, spinning a bucket of water upside and observing as the contents hug the insides of the bucket, or watching mud spinning off of a turning tire. In addition to making dizzying carnival rides, this force can be used in the design of many mechanical applications, where it is harnessed to control a variety of effects. One such […]

Aircraft Landing Gear Mechanism Analysis
Aircraft rely on landing gear in order to taxi, take off, and land. The landing gear of your average commercial airplane consists of a shock-absorber cylinder and piston, and a pair of tires. Intuitively, the shock-absorber experiences stresses as the landing gear touches the ground — but how much? In order to design a landing gear mechanism that can withstand many landings, and to determine when it’s time to swap out an old one, we can perform a multibody dynamics […]

Modeling a Helicopter Swashplate Mechanism
A swashplate mechanism, used in a helicopter to control the pitch of the rotor blades, can be easily simulated using the Multibody Dynamics Module available in COMSOL Multiphysics. This module enables simulation of an assembly of flexible and rigid bodies, together with physical phenomena from fluid, heat, and electrical applications, among others. Here, we will show you a model to convey how a swashplate mechanism works and at the same time analyze the stresses and deformation in the flexible rotor […]

Double Pendulum Simulation Tutorial
Dynamic simulation of a double pendulum system can easily be performed using the Multibody Dynamics Module available in COMSOL Multiphysics. This module enables the mechanical simulations of assemblies of flexible and rigid bodies, often coupled with other phenomena such as from heat, electrical, and others.

Simulate Mechanical Systems with the Multibody Dynamics Module
The new Multibody Dynamics Module provides engineers with an advanced set of tools to design and optimize mechanical systems to reduce product development costs. This module enables simulation of an assembly of flexible and rigid bodies, along with physical phenomena like structural, heat, electrical, and others. One of the key capabilities included in this module is an easier and faster way of building connections between different bodies using various types of predefined Joints. The objective of multibody analysis is to […]