Blog Posts Tagged Structural Materials series

Modeling Linear Elastic Materials – How Difficult Can It Be?
Get an intro to the theory and application of the linear elastic material model, isotropy/anisotropy, allowable values for material data, incompressibility, and geometric nonlinearity.

Fitting Measured Data to Different Hyperelastic Material Models
Want to fit your experimental data to different hyperelastic material models? You can with the Optimization interface in COMSOL Multiphysics®, which lets you fit a curve to multiple datasets.

Part 2: Obtaining Material Data for Structural Mechanics from Measurements
Learn how to use nonlinear elastic and elastoplastic materials, as well as a method for using your measured data directly in COMSOL Multiphysics®. Part 2 of a series on hyperelastic materials.

Obtaining Material Data for Structural Mechanics from Measurements
Linear elastic, hyperelastic, nonlinear elastic, plasticity, creep, concrete: COMSOL Multiphysics® contains a number of built-in material models for structural analyses. Get an intro >>