Blog Posts Tagged Structural Mechanics Module

Coupling Structural Mechanics Interfaces
The Structural Mechanics Module consists of specialized interfaces: Solid Mechanics; Shell, Plate, and Membrane for modeling thin structures; and Beam and Truss for modeling slender structures.

Video Tutorial: Introduction to Modeling Structural Mechanics
Learn the fundamentals of simulating structural mechanics problems in the COMSOL® software: Get a quick overview in this blog post, with an embedded video tutorial included.

Using Effective Mass for Thermomechanical Calibration
Researchers from the University of Alberta use simulation for an efficient and noninvasive way to achieve thermomechanical calibration. Learn more about their research and its applications.

Reducing Vibrations with Viscoelastic Structural Dampers
Whether caused by an earthquake or everyday wind, when a structure undergoes vibrations, its components experience stresses and strains. Viscoelastic structural dampers can help >>

Designing Fully Superconducting Rotating Machines
Researchers from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston used simulation to investigate the stress and heat distribution in superconducting rotating machines >>

Stress and Fatigue in Modular Implants Used in Hip Joints
A crucial part of the design process for modular implants, such as replacement joints, is to study how the modular combination of parts will behave under dynamic loads and stresses.

Converting the High Flux Isotope Reactor to LEU Fuel
Learn about an initiative that requires nuclear research reactors currently using highly enriched uranium fuel to be converted to low enriched uranium fuel — and how simulation can help.

Seas of Change for Wind Turbines
One benefit of placing wind turbines offshore? They can’t be heard! Even better? High winds occur with more regularity offshore, making energy production more effective!