Blog Posts Tagged User Perspectives

AMPHOS 21 on Simulating Carbon Sequestration
Carbon dioxide sequestration is a proposed solution to releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that involves storing the CO2 in geological formations. AMPHOS 21 models this process.

Natural Frequencies of Immersed Beams
A guest blogger from Veryst Engineering demonstrates the modeling of a cantilever beam immersed in a fluid to study its natural frequencies. Read it here >>

Amphos 21: Modeling Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Phenomena
A guest blogger from Amphos 21, a COMSOL Certified Consultant, discusses the company’s iCP technology for modeling coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical phenomena.

Improving Bioreactor Performance with COMSOL Multiphysics
A guest blogger from Continuum Blue gives an overview of what the consultancy can do using simulation for their biomedical engineering clients.

Multiphysics Analysis of Advanced Materials: Ceramic Matrix Composites
A guest blogger from AltaSim Technologies discusses ceramic matrix composites and how to accurately analyze the production of such an advanced material.

Optimizing Recloser Performance with Simulation
During snow storms or windy days, a branch might break and short-circuit a power line’s electric current as it falls. The first task of a recloser is to interrupt this short-circuit, i.e. to open or disconnect the affected overhead line from the feeding network source. The second task is to try to re-establish power after a short time by to re-closing the line, taking advantage of the fact that most of the reasons for a short-circuit of an overhead line […]

Mersen Simulates Joule Heating in Busbars and Fuses
Joule heating is a fairly standard type of simulation for COMSOL users nowadays. It involves solving for electrical voltage and temperature fields simultaneously with highly temperature-dependent material properties. Controlling Joule heating is very important when designing and manufacturing electrical systems components. The electric protection group at manufacturing company Mersen France used to base their busbar and fuse designs on trial-and-error, but these days they turn to COMSOL Multiphysics.

Thermometer Calibration: When Experimentation Falls Short
The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) is the industry calibration standard for measuring temperatures throughout the world. The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) works to establish and maintain the ITS-90 through experiments, most notably, thermometer calibration. To better understand and overcome the shortcomings of the experimental process, Jonathan Pearce, at the UK’s National Physics Laboratory, turned to simulation. His results yielded fascinating results about the microscopic behavior of the liquid-solid interface during the freezing process.