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transport of diluted species in laminair bubbly flow
Posted 18 gen 2012, 08:43 GMT-5 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Version 4.2a 8 Replies
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I am trying to mix a diluted species in a bubbling tank ( 1 inlet 3 outlet). The flow seems to work but I get very negative concentrations. initialy -10% but during the calculation in time this value drops to -50% of the inlet concentration.
Is there a way to bind this concentration between the maximum (inlet) en 0?
Best regards
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I do not know of any, but on the other hand "my way" is rather to find out how my physics or the model set-up that allows for such negative concentrations, I would rather suspect a BC issue, a mesh density issue or a time stepping issue, that like that, probably would give you wrong results too, even if you found a way to "clamp" your concentration
Good luck
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Thanks for the quick reply, but please could you elaborate on your good practice
my wall boundaries are no slip, no gas flux
my gas inlet : normal inflow velocity = 0, gasflux=0.006 kg/m2/s
my liquid inlet : normal inflow velocity=u_in, no gas flux
transport inflow concentration 50 mol/m3
my gas outlet:normal outflow velocity=0 gas outlet
my liquid outlet: 2 times normal outflow velocity u_in/3,gas outlet
1 time pressure, no viscous stress 1 [atm] gasoutlet
3 times transport outlfow
Is there any other boundary condition I can set?
consistent crosswind Ck,ns 0.1 ck,g0.1
inconsistent isentropic difusion 0.1 O(h) 0.1
streamline diffusion
crosswind diffusion
isentropic diffusion 0.1
I have not made a model to my satisfaction, so if you could help me I would greatly appreciate it
best regards
nb: it is a 2D model ( rectangle it liquid inlet at the top, gas inlet at the bottem liquid outlets in a separator at the top and the rest of the top is gas outlet)
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I have never used that part of COMSOL physics, and I must say I have problems to understand all your BC's. I have noticed that there is one example using BF in the library: "airlift_loop_reactor", have your tried it and done the exercise in detail, normally there are quite some info in the PDF, in addition to the model.
among others you can define a wall for the fluid, and only inlet or outlet for the gas, I believe you should read a bit more the doc to understand the differences between that type of wall and the inlet/outlet type. this might simplify the physics behind your model and make it solve better (just a guess ;)
But there must be other better tooled than me out there, no ?
Good luck
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I need to flow liquid behaind tube or walls. please is it possible help me. and what is BCs for these tube or walls
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I am sorry to inform you that I did not succeed in solving the problem. The helpdesk did a simplified simulation of my model but they changed mostly the geometry (removed the sharp edges) and used an extremely fine mesh. I am still trying to adapt these improvements to my problem, but I essentialy gave up.
All the best
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Usually, it is due to mesh density issues and one could use adaptive meshing to solve regions of high gradients.
Good luck with your problem.
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Usually, it is due to mesh density issues and one could use adaptive meshing to solve regions of high gradients.
Good luck with your problem.
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