Henrik Sönnerlind
COMSOL Employee
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5 years ago
3 giu 2020, 15:09 GMT-4
Some suggestions:
- My first guess is that this is related to the mesh resolution. Check that you have a finer mesh on the destination side than on the source side.
- If you are using the penalty method, switch to augmented Lagrangian.
- Check that the solution is converged by reducing the tolerance.
- Plot solid.misesGp rather than solid.mises.
Henrik Sönnerlind
Some suggestions:
1. My first guess is that this is related to the mesh resolution. Check that you have a finer mesh on the destination side than on the source side.
2. If you are using the penalty method, switch to augmented Lagrangian.
3. Check that the solution is converged by reducing the tolerance.
4. Plot solid.misesGp rather than solid.mises.
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5 years ago
5 giu 2020, 09:22 GMT-4
Some suggestions:
- My first guess is that this is related to the mesh resolution. Check that you have a finer mesh on the destination side than on the source side.
- If you are using the penalty method, switch to augmented Lagrangian.
- Check that the solution is converged by reducing the tolerance.
- Plot solid.misesGp rather than solid.mises.
Thank you Henrik,
I tried to use the augemented Lagrangian method, however, I always got the error message:
Nonlinear solver did not converge.
No convergence, even when using the minimum damping factor.
Time: 0 s.
Last time step is not converged.
I tried to change the initial value, but without any sucess:(
would you mind checking my model? Thank you!
>Some suggestions:
>1. My first guess is that this is related to the mesh resolution. Check that you have a finer mesh on the destination side than on the source side.
>2. If you are using the penalty method, switch to augmented Lagrangian.
>3. Check that the solution is converged by reducing the tolerance.
>4. Plot solid.misesGp rather than solid.mises.
Thank you Henrik,
I tried to use the augemented Lagrangian method, however, I always got the error message:
Nonlinear solver did not converge.
No convergence, even when using the minimum damping factor.
Time: 0 s.
Last time step is not converged.
I tried to change the initial value, but without any sucess:(
would you mind checking my model? Thank you!