Robert Koslover
Certified Consultant
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2 years ago
23 lug 2023, 18:38 GMT-4
2 years ago
23 lug 2023, 19:07 GMT-4
- Wires perpendicular to an incident polarization usually won't scatter much. Is your negative cross section merely numerical noise? How does its magnitude compare to the cross section for parallel incident polarization?
- Try remeshing the scatterer more finely and see if you get the same result.
- Recheck all your boundary conditions and material properties and definitions, etc.
- Make sure your nx, ny, and nz unit vectors all point in the correct directions at the interfaces on which they are being used (do a surface arrow plot of nx, ny, nz on those surfaces).
- You might want to consider posting your .mph file to the forum.
Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
1. Wires perpendicular to an incident polarization usually won't scatter much. Is your negative cross section merely numerical noise? How does its magnitude compare to the cross section for parallel incident polarization?
2. Try remeshing the scatterer more finely and see if you get the same result.
3. Recheck all your boundary conditions and material properties and definitions, etc.
4. Make sure your nx, ny, and nz unit vectors all point in the correct directions at the interfaces on which they are being used (do a surface arrow plot of nx, ny, nz on those surfaces).
5. You might want to consider posting your .mph file to the forum.
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2 years ago
31 lug 2023, 11:33 GMT-4
Thank you Robert. I will go through your solutions and I will post my .mph file if I need further help. Appreciate your comments, it is very helpful.
Thank you Robert. I will go through your solutions and I will post my .mph file if I need further help. Appreciate your comments, it is very helpful.
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2 years ago
31 lug 2023, 17:57 GMT-4
Hi, Robert and other folks.
I checked the result, it is definitely not numerical noise, it looks like expected spectrum with reversed sign.
I've try finer mesh but still got negative cross sections.
I assume that my boundary conditions and material properties are fine, because it works well for parallel polarization.
I plot surface arrow plot of the nx, ny, nz and the ewfd.relPoavx, etc, they seems both point outward of the boundary, so mathematically I should get positive result.
The .mph file is shared. Please take a look and I greatly appreciate your time and effort.
Hi, Robert and other folks.
1. I checked the result, it is definitely not numerical noise, it looks like expected spectrum with reversed sign.
2. I've try finer mesh but still got negative cross sections.
3. I assume that my boundary conditions and material properties are fine, because it works well for parallel polarization.
4. I plot surface arrow plot of the nx, ny, nz and the ewfd.relPoavx, etc, they seems both point outward of the boundary, so mathematically I should get positive result.
5. The .mph file is shared. Please take a look and I greatly appreciate your time and effort.