Failed to evaluate AWE expression. Not all parameter steps returned.

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I am getting the error "Failed to evaluate AWE expression. Not all parameter steps returned." when running an Adaptive Frequency Sweep study for an Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain physics. The model is a waveguide antenna with two lumped ports in a coaxial configuration. I run a "Frequency Domain Study" and it converges with no problem. But when I run "Adaptive Frequency Sweep" from 3 GHz to 4 GHz, in order to plot S11 parameters vs frequency, solution does not converge. I tried both Direct solving with MUMPs and Sugessted Iterative Solver, but they both did not converge. I am confused why this is the case since the "Frequency Domain" problem converges without a problem. Is it possible adaptive frequency sweep doesn't work properly when you have more than one excited lumped port?

I can't attach my file as it is too large but I have attached a screen shot.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

1 Reply Last Post 15 mag 2024, 13:05 GMT-4

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Posted: 1 month ago 15 mag 2024, 13:05 GMT-4

Is it possible this could be memory problems?

Is it possible this could be memory problems?


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