Eigenvalue/Eigenvalue boundary conditions

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Dear forum,

I have a stationary study of the flow around a cylinder performed in comsol using a nondimensional framework. Now I want to find the leading eigenvalues using this study and I have a couple of questions: 1) How to define the shift value if the eigenvalue is a complex number? Is it correct to say RealPartValue+i*ImaginaryPartValue? 2) I dont find a way to set the boundary conditions of the eigenvalue problem, are they somehow already implemented? So far I tried several options but everytime I get Lambda=0 as results.

Additional question: I have tried to implement the weak formulation of an eigenvalue problem using the Weak Form PDE but again I don't see the boundary condition options. Also, Is it possible to use the data from a SPF study such as velocities and pressure and implement the weak fomulation of an eigenvalue problem?

Reagrds, Robert


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