How to adjust scale of high aspect ratio object

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Hello. I made an high aspect ratio rectangular object nearly 1:1000 and i want to see temperature distribution due to microwave heating. But the problem is that the object looks like a 'line'. Is there any method to adjust scale of high aspect ratio object?

Thank you.

2 Replies Last Post 12 set 2024, 05:12 GMT-4
Magnus Ringh COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 6 months ago 11 set 2024, 08:51 GMT-4

Hi Sujeong,

In the View node, select the Lock axis checkbox. Then, in the Axis subnode, choose Automatic from the View scale list and Autofit from the Automatic list. Then click the Update button and, if needed, the Zoom Extents button in the Graphics toolbar. You can also choose Manual from the View scale list to scale the x axis and y axis individually.

Best regards,


Hi Sujeong, In the **View** node, select the **Lock axis** checkbox. Then, in the **Axis** subnode, choose **Automatic** from the **View scale** list and **Autofit** from the **Automatic** list. Then click the **Update** button and, if needed, the **Zoom Extents** button in the **Graphics** toolbar. You can also choose **Manual** from the **View scale** list to scale the *x* axis and *y* axis individually. Best regards, Magnus

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Posted: 6 months ago 12 set 2024, 05:12 GMT-4

I really appreciate your reply! I solved the problem. Thank you very much.

I really appreciate your reply! I solved the problem. Thank you very much.


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