empty plot

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Hi when i use 20*log(emw.normE) as expression in contour it works in one simulation but not the other. it says plot is empty. im using line current out of plane in one and point dipole in the other.

3 Replies Last Post 5 feb 2025, 05:28 GMT-5
Robert Koslover Certified Consultant

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Posted: 2 weeks ago 4 feb 2025, 14:04 GMT-5

There's a number of possible reasons here. The plot is empty means that Comsol Multiphysics couldn't find anything to plot. A wild guess: In your plot settings, check which Dataset your plot is using. If it isn't actually set to one that both exists and has appropriate data in it, then this can generate a "plot is empty" warning.

Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
There's a number of possible reasons here. The plot is empty means that Comsol Multiphysics couldn't find anything to plot. A wild guess: In your plot settings, check which Dataset your plot is using. If it isn't actually set to one that both exists and has appropriate data in it, then this can generate a "plot is empty" warning.

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Posted: 2 weeks ago 4 feb 2025, 15:21 GMT-5

Dataset is one possible problem. Also, if you have multiple Studies or Components, make sure the variable names are correct.

Dataset is one possible problem. Also, if you have multiple Studies or Components, make sure the variable names are correct.

Acculution ApS Certified Consultant

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Posted: 2 weeks ago 5 feb 2025, 05:28 GMT-5

Instead of plugging in your expression directly, go search for what is available under the relevant component and physics (Replace Expression button), and check your Dataset as already mentioned. Perhaps you are looking at the right dataset, but now the variable is called emw2.normE, comp2.emw2.normE or something to that effect.

(An unrelated detail here; note that log perhaps should be log10, as otherwise it will be ln, so just make sure you have it the right way around.)

René Christensen, PhD
Acculution ApS
Instead of plugging in your expression directly, go search for what is available under the relevant component and physics (Replace Expression button), and check your Dataset as already mentioned. Perhaps you are looking at the right dataset, but now the variable is called emw2.normE, comp2.emw2.normE or something to that effect. (An unrelated detail here; note that log perhaps should be log10, as otherwise it will be ln, so just make sure you have it the right way around.)


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