Meshing being trimmed at the corner

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My mesh is trimmed at the bottom part of the semicircle but works fine at the upper part. I have tried different settings. I need to maintain the first layer thickness at 0.0001 µm. Could anyone help me with this?

1 Reply Last Post 9 feb 2025, 23:31 GMT-5
Robert Koslover Certified Consultant

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Posted: 4 weeks ago 9 feb 2025, 23:31 GMT-5
Updated: 4 weeks ago 9 feb 2025, 23:31 GMT-5

Caveat: It's not obvious to me that this is the right way to attack your problem, since it leads to mesh elements with extreme aspect ratios.

That said, I was able to eliminate the odd-looking distortion in your mesh by dividing the geometry into an upper and lower half, and then copying the mesh from the top half to the bottom half. I think this makes the mesh look exactly the way you wanted it to look, all around the semicircle. However, you'll need to redo your boundary settings to set all the physics correctly. For some reason, the model doesn't seem to want to let me put the physics settings back the way you had them ??, but perhaps you can fix that since you know more about the physics you are trying to model. Good luck. See the attached file.

Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
Caveat: It's not obvious to me that this is the right way to attack your problem, since it leads to mesh elements with *extreme* aspect ratios. That said, I was able to eliminate the odd-looking distortion in your mesh by dividing the geometry into an upper and lower half, and then copying the mesh from the top half to the bottom half. I think this makes the mesh look exactly the way you wanted it to look, all around the semicircle. *However*, you'll need to redo your boundary settings to set all the physics correctly. For some reason, the model doesn't seem to want to let me put the physics settings back the way you had them ??, but perhaps you can fix that since you know more about the physics you are trying to model. Good luck. See the attached file.


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