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Study steps and step soldering thermal stress simulation

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Hi all,

I'm trying to model the deformations induced by different CTE and different process temperatures in a step soldering process. I looked at the multilyer demo but maybe I'm doing something wrong, let me explain what I'm trying to do:

I have a component (low CTE) that is soldered on a base (high CTE) at 500 degC, then brought to 80 degC where another component is attached on top. I used thermal expansion in solid mechanics with a strain reference temperature of 500 deg C and a target temp of 80 degC for the first step. Then to check the model I was trying to add, as a second step, a thermal expansion from 80 degC to 500 degC, expecting as a result the undeformed, stress free model I started width. This doesn't seem to work and I only get deformation like the first step never happened.

Maybe I'm missing a way to transfer displacement too between the simulation steps?

1 Reply Last Post 27 mar 2015, 10:26 GMT-4
Daniele Panfiglio COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 10 years ago 27 mar 2015, 10:26 GMT-4
Gentile Paolo,

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Cordiali saluti
Daniele Panfiglio
Gentile Paolo, visto che la vostra licenza è in manutenzione ed intitolata al supporto, le suggerisco di fare riferimento al seguente indirizzo email per eventuali richieste di supporto. Consiglio di scrivere in inglese in modo da poter aver accesso a più specialisti in caso di problemi: support@comsol.com Cordiali saluti Daniele Panfiglio

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