Lithium Battery Pack Designer
Application ID: 89831
This app demonstrates the following:
- Dynamic help system using card stacks
- Multiple components (1D and 3D) in a single app
- Toggle buttons in the ribbon for showing different input, hiding/showing geometry selections, and for dynamic help
- Geometry parts and parameterized geometries
- Importing experimental data
- Options for creating different mesh sizes
- Resetting a portion of the input parameters or all
- Generating a results table during the app session
- Exporting results to a text file or to Microsoft® Excel if a license of LiveLink™ for Excel® is available.
- Sliders and buttons to control the time step to plot
- Visualizing results with animations
- Custom window icons.
It is a tool for investigating the dynamic voltage and thermal behavior of a battery pack, using load cycle and SOC vs OCV dependence experimental data.
Parameter estimation of various parameters such as the ohmic overpotential, the diffusion time constant, and the dimensionless exchange current can be performed by the app. The app may then be used to compute a battery pack temperature profile based on the thermal mass and generated heat associated with the voltage losses of the battery.
Various battery pack design parameters (packing type, number of batteries, configuration, geometry), battery material properties, and operating conditions can be varied.
This application example illustrates applications of this type that would nominally be built using the following products:
however, additional products may be required to completely define and model it. Furthermore, this example may also be defined and modeled using components from the following product combinations:
The combination of COMSOL® products required to model your application depends on several factors and may include boundary conditions, material properties, physics interfaces, and part libraries. Particular functionality may be common to several products. To determine the right combination of products for your modeling needs, review the Tabella delle Funzionalità and make use of a free evaluation license. The COMSOL Sales and Support teams are available for answering any questions you may have regarding this.