La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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Kinetic analysis of catalytic reactions is essential for understanding rate behavior as well as the reaction mechanism. Developing knowledge of intrinsic reaction kinetics and of rate equations is central to reaction engineering studies aimed at improving reactor design. This model ... Per saperne di più
This example shows how to model secondary current distribution and electrode growth with a moving geometry. To avoid numerical instabilities, a seed layer is introduced in the initial geometry to obtain a right angle at the edge between the growing electrode and the insulator. Per saperne di più
The Cathodic Protection Designer application is an example of how an application can be used to simplify the simulation process by featuring a way to import a generic CAD file with certain requirements. Using this app, the user can select each part of the geometry and set boundary ... Per saperne di più
A monopile foundation is a large-diameter structural element that can be used to support structures like offshore wind turbines. This application exemplifies how the cathodic protection of a monopile decreases over time as the sacrificial anodes dissolve. The model can be used to ... Per saperne di più
Zone electrophoresis (ZE) is an electrophoretic separation technique typically used for analyzing proteins, nucleic acids, and biopolymers. During the process, different species in a sample are transported in a continuous electrolyte buffer system, subject to a potential gradient. Due to ... Per saperne di più
This model exemplifies how to compute the internal temperature distribution in a prismatic battery during a high-rate charge. The electrochemistry is described by a a lumped two-electrode model, which is coupled to the heat transfer model. The heat transfer model includes the effects of ... Per saperne di più
The model simulates atmospheric corrosion of a galvanic couple, comprising of an Al-Co-Ce metallic coating and an aluminum alloy, which is in contact with electrolyte film of 100 micrometer thickness. The corrosion inhibitors are released from the metallic coating and are transported ... Per saperne di più
Crystallization is a key separation process in e.g. pharmaceuticals production. It is the process by which a chemical species is separated from solution by forming a crystal. To achieve the required product properties, control over the crystal particle size distribution is necessary. ... Per saperne di più
Biotechnology is a rapidly growing area in the pharmaceutical sciences. One example of a clinical application is gene therapy, where it is possible to produce proteins in vivo, using the body’s own mechanisms for protein production. Major issues in gene delivery involve the transport of ... Per saperne di più
This example models the deposition of an inductor coil in 3D. The geometry includes the extrusion of the deposition pattern into an isolating photoresist mask, and a diffusion layer on top of the photoresist. The mass transfer of copper ions in the electrolyte has a major impact on the ... Per saperne di più