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Pitting corrosion is a type of localized corrosion by which local cavities, pits, are formed on an initially smooth metal surface. A pit may be initialized by surface defects, such as an inhomogeneities in composition or shape, or mechanical abuse resulting in a small scratch or dent. ... Per saperne di più
Continuous mixing is used in process equipment to mix components in a single pass. Compared to batch mixing, this operation has the advantage that the tank filling and emptying steps are eliminated, implying that the process can be run without interruptions. A disadvantage of continuous ... Per saperne di più
Electrochemical supercapacitors feature relatively higher energy densities than conventional capacitors. With several advantages, such as fast charging, long charge–discharge cycles, and broad operating temperature ranges, electrochemical supercapacitors have found wide applications in ... Per saperne di più
The present model example is based on Copper Deposition in a Trench model available in Electrodeposition Application Library. The nonuniform deposition along the trench surface leads to formation of a cavity/void. Since the Deformed Geometry interface cannot handle topological changes, ... Per saperne di più
Electrochemical glucose sensors use amperometric methods to measure the concentration of glucose in a sample. This example models the diffusion of glucose and ferri/ferrocyanide redox mediators in a unit cell of electrolyte above an interdigitated electrode. The sensor gives a linear ... Per saperne di più
This model demonstrates the "butterfly" filling mechanism for copper electrodeposition in a Through-Hole (TH) via exposed to an electrolyte containing halide-suppressor additives. The Tertiary Current Distribution, Nernst Planck interface in combination with Deformed Geometry is used ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial demonstrates the Lumped Battery interface for modeling capacity loss in a battery. A set of lumped parameters are used to describe the capacity loss that occurs due to parasitic reactions in the battery, assuming no knowledge of the internal structure or design of the ... Per saperne di più
Dialysis is a widely used chemical species separation method. One such example is hemodialysis, which acts as artificial kidneys for people with renal failure. In dialysis, only specific components are allowed to diffuse through the membrane, based on differences in molecular size and ... Per saperne di più
Voltammetry is modeled at a microelectrode of 10um radius. In this common analytical electrochemistry technique, the potential at a working electrode is swept up and down and the current is recorded. The current-voltage waveform ("voltammogram") gives information about the reactivity and ... Per saperne di più
Steel structures immersed in seawater can be protected from corrosion through cathodic protection. This protection can be achieved by an impressed external current or by using sacrificial anodes. The use of sacrificial anodes is often preferred due to its simplicity. This example models ... Per saperne di più