La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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Si noti che molti degli esempi qui presentati sono accessibili anche tramite le Librerie delle Applicazioni incorporate nel software COMSOL Multiphysics® e disponibili dal menu File.
In this set of eight tutorial models and associated documentation, you can investigate the resistive, capacitive, inductive, and thermal properties of a standard three-core lead-sheathed XLPE HVAC submarine cable with twisted magnetic armor (500 mm2, 220 kV). The series includes a 2D, 2D ... Per saperne di più
This is the transient model of a single phase E-core transformer using a homogenized approach for the multi-turn primary and secondary coils. The model includes the effect of magnetic saturation (B-H curve) in the core and shows how to connect the transformer model to the external ... Per saperne di più
Small heating circuits find use in many applications. For example, in manufacturing processes, they heat up reactive fluids. The device in this tutorial example consists of an electrically resistive layer deposited on a glass plate. The layer results in Joule heating when a voltage is ... Per saperne di più
This model demonstrates how to set up a fluid-structure interaction problem in COMSOL Multiphysics. It illustrates how fluid flow can deform solid structures and how to solve for the flow in a continuously deforming geometry. The Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) multiphysics interface ... Per saperne di più
As an example of a magnetostatic problem, consider how to model a horseshoe-shaped permanent magnet. One way is to treat the entire magnet as a ferromagnetic material, where the two end sections are defined as being pre-magnetized in different and opposite directions. Per saperne di più
A Helmholtz coil is a parallel pair of identical circular coils spaced one radius apart and wound so that the current flows through both coils in the same direction. This winding results in a uniform magnetic field between the coils with the primary component parallel to the axes of the ... Per saperne di più
This example demonstrates how to use the Electrostatic interface to calculate the surface electric field of a typical high-voltage insulator. It is shown that the inhomogeneity and the maximum of the surface electric field are greatly reduced with the installation of the grading rings. ... Per saperne di più
This example illustrates the ability to couple thermal, electrical, and structural analysis in one model. This particular application moves a beam by passing a current through it; the current generates heat, and the temperature increase leads to displacement through thermal expansion. ... Per saperne di più
Mode analysis is a basic tool for a wide range of radiofrequency and wave optics calculations because it allows for the investigation of mode characteristics in complex waveguide structures. In this tutorial model, you can find two examples that demonstrate typical settings and best ... Per saperne di più
Piezoresistive pressure sensors were some of the first MEMS devices to be commercialized. Compared to capacitive pressure sensors, they are simpler to integrate with electronics, their response is more linear and they are inherently shielded from RF noise. They do, however, usually ... Per saperne di più