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A beam splitter is used to split a single beam of light into two. One way of making a splitter is to deposit a thin layer of metal between two glass prisms. The beam is slightly attenuated within the layer, and split into two paths. In this example, the thin metal layer is modeled using ... Per saperne di più
Compact camera modules are widely used in electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers. In order to reduce both the size and number of elements required the optical design will typically incorporate several highly aspheric surfaces. This model demonstrates a five element ... Per saperne di più
MOSFETs typically operate in three regimes depending on the drain-source voltage for a given gate voltage. Initially the current-voltage relation is linear, this is the Ohmic region. As the drain-source voltage increases the extracted current begins to saturate, this is the saturation ... Per saperne di più
A Luneburg lens is a type of graded index, or GRIN lens, in which the gradient of the refractive index leads to special focusing properties. This example model uses the Geometrical Optics interface to compute the curved ray trajectories in the graded-index medium. Per saperne di più
This model addresses the concept of wireless power transfer by studying the energy coupling between two circular loop antennas tuned for UHF RFID frequency whose size is reduced using chip inductors. The circular loop antenna provides inherent inductive coupling by its shape, and it can ... Per saperne di più
This model analyzes an RF MEMS switch consisting of a thin micromechanical bridge suspended over a dielectric layer. A DC voltage greater than the pull-in voltage is applied across the switch, causing the bridge to collapse onto the dielectric layer with a resulting increase in the ... Per saperne di più
Electrical events, such as an overcurrent or overload, can seriously damage electrical circuits or power lines. To avoid expensive replacements of critical parts, electric switch circuit breakers can be installed. These mechanically interrupt the current flow or surge by moving a plunger ... Per saperne di più
This model investigates the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) reference cell in two dimensions using the Plasma, Time Periodic interface. A 2D example helps in understanding the physics without excessive CPU time. The cell is ... Per saperne di più
The model demonstrates how to compute the induced voltage of a wire loop inside an airplane under different electromagnetic shielding conditions. Per saperne di più
This benchmark model simulates a graded heterojunction using the thermionic emission formulation for the charge transfer over the junction. It shows the additional contribution to the current density from the quantum tunneling effect across the potential barrier, using the WKB ... Per saperne di più