La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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Unwanted arcing can have serious adverse effects on electrical and electronic equipment and systems. To improve the understanding and prediction of arc dynamics, it is crucial to conduct multiphysics simulations of transient arc processes. This model features a 3D simulation of transient ... Per saperne di più
The metal-silicon-oxide (MOS) structure is the fundamental building block for many silicon planar devices. Its capacitance measurements provide a wealth of insight into the working principles of such devices. This tutorial constructs a simple 1D model of a MOS capacitor (MOSCAP). Both ... Per saperne di più
The Yagi–Uda antenna is designed for a specific Wi-Fi band and can reduce eavesdropping by directing signals with the help of directors. This antenna consists of one uniformly spaced reflector and four directors. Simulated results show a maximum 10 dBi gain and a front-to-back ratio of ... Per saperne di più
Squeezed-film gas damping is a critical aspect of many MEMS transducers and actuators. In accelerometers, for example, inertia produces a motion that the device detects. A typical structure connects a large proof mass to surrounding structures with elastic beams, which forms a mechanical ... Per saperne di più
With an increase in the parallel component of the applied field, carriers can gain energies above the ambient thermal energy and be able to transfer energy gained by the field to the lattice by optical phonon emission. The latter effect leads to a saturation of the carriers mobility. The ... Per saperne di più
A circular waveguide filter is designed using a 2D axisymmetric model. Six annular rings added to the waveguide form circular cavities connected in series, and each cavity cutoff frequency is close to the center frequency of the filter. The simulated S-parameters show a bandpass ... Per saperne di più
Streamers are transient filamentary electric discharges that can develop in a nonconducting background in the presence of an intense electric field. These discharges can attain high electron number density and consequently a high concentration of chemical active species that are relevant ... Per saperne di più
This model simulates a negative dielectric barrier discharge under a point-to-plate electrode configuration. Two solid dielectric layers are inserted into the air gap. A negative voltage of 2.5 kV is applied to the cathode electrode, initiating a corona streamer that propagates and ... Per saperne di più
Substrate Integrated Waveguides (SIW) can be used in antenna applications. Leaky waves from a slot array on the top surface of the SIW in this model generate a beam in a certain direction that can be steered by choosing a different operating frequency. Per saperne di più
In this model, we introduce a cloaking method using an electrically tuned monolayer of graphene. We will show that when a cylindrical dielectric scatterer is covered in graphene, the scattering cross section is greatly reduced at the designated frequency, making it electromagnetically ... Per saperne di più