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A thermoelectric leg is a fundamental component of a thermoelectric cooler (or heater). For example, a thermocouple is a thermoelectric module typically made of two thermoelectric legs: one made of p-type and of one n-type semiconductor material which are connected in series electrically ... Per saperne di più
Drying of porous media is an important process in the food and paper industry among others. Many physical effects must be considered: fluid flow, heat transfer with phase change, and transport of participating liquids and gases. All of these effects are strongly coupled, and predefined ... Per saperne di più
This example reproduces parts of the study of Ref. 1 on the thermal contact resistance at the interface between a heat sink and an electronic package. Eight cooling fins equip the cylindrical heat sink and contact is made at the radial boundaries of the package. The efficiency of the ... Per saperne di più
This simple example covers the heating of a finite slab and how the temperature varies with time. We will set up the problem in COMSOL Multiphysics after which we compare the solution to the analytical solution. Per saperne di più
During the design of a building, environmental issues have gained considerable influence in the entire project. One of the first concerns is to improve thermal performances. In this process, simulation software are key tools to model thermal losses and performances in the building. The ... Per saperne di più
This model studies the heat conduction in a building structure separating two floors from the external environment. Four materials with distinct thermal conductivities k compose the structure. The exterior and interior boundaries are facing environments respectively at 0°C and 20°C. The ... Per saperne di più
This example solves the heat transfer in an isothermal box aimed at transporting refrigerated articles such as medical materials for 24 hours. In this case, the box has to keep the contents cold for a long period of time while respecting storage temperature restrictions between 2°C and 8 ... Per saperne di più
This model demonstrates how to compute satellite temperature over multiple orbit periods by coupling Orbital Thermal Loads to Heat Transfer in Solids. The direct solar, albedo, and Earth infrared thermal loads are computed over a single orbit, and are periodically repeated over multiple ... Per saperne di più
This model illustrates an application that maximizes surface-to-surface radiative fluxes and minimizes conductive heat fluxes. A thermo-photo-voltaic (TPV) cell generates electricity from the combustion of fuel and through radiation. The fuel burns inside an emitting device that ... Per saperne di più
The response of a millimeter wave with frequencies of 35 GHz and 95 GHz is known to be very sensitive to water content. This model utilizes a low-power 35 GHz Ka-band millimeter wave and its reflectivity to moisture for noninvasive cancer diagnosis. Since skin tumors contain more ... Per saperne di più