La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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This classical verification model solves the steady state temperature distribution in a plan disk heated by a localized heat source at its center. It shows and compare different ways to define a heat source localized on a small domain by representing it either as a geometrical point or a ... Per saperne di più
This example simulates the thermodynamical evolution of moist air in an electronic box with the aim of detecting whether condensation occurs when the external environment properties change. The model imports measured data for the air temperature, pressure, and water vapor concentration. ... Per saperne di più
Freeze-drying, or lyophilization, is a process for drying heat-sensitive substances such as foods, blood plasma, and antibiotics. The wet substance is frozen and then, through sublimation, ice (or some other frozen solvent) is removed in the presence of a high vacuum. This example ... Per saperne di più
In the semiconductor industry, rapid thermal annealing (RTA) is a semiconductor process step used for the activation of dopants and the interfacial reaction of metal contacts. In principle, the operation involves rapid heating of a wafer from ambient to approximately 1000–1500 K. As soon ... Per saperne di più
This 2D stationary model computes heat and moisture transport in a wall composed of different hygroscopic materials. A comparison with the Glaser method is given for the temperature and relative humidity solutions. The effect of the use of a vapor barrier is also investigated. Per saperne di più
This tutorial model illustrates how to analyze the thermal effects of the sun as an external radiative source and considers wavelength-dependent surface emissivities. Specifically, the model features two coolers containing beverage cans that are exposed to ambient conditions and a beach ... Per saperne di più
The model is defined as a benchmark case in norm 15026:2007 annex A. The purpose of the model is to calculate the temperature and moisture profiles at different times after a change in the external conditions (temperature and relative humidity) inside a wall material (kind of concrete). ... Per saperne di più
This model shows how to define a frequency-domain analysis of heat transfer. The 3-omega method uses the Cahill's equation to approximate the thermal conductivity of a sample from the measured temperature of a metal strip placed on top of it and subject to oscillating heating. The 2D ... Per saperne di più
The Czochralski (CZ) method is one of the most important methods for the preparation of monocrystalline silicon. The shape of the crystal, especially the diameter, is controlled by carefully adjusting the heating power, the pulling rate, and the rotation rate of the crystal. This model ... Per saperne di più
When simulating surface-to-surface radiation, we rely on the view factors between elements of diffuse surfaces that emit and receive radiation. To compute surface-to-surface radiation in a given geometry, operators are created by the heat interface and can be used to evaluate view ... Per saperne di più