La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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This model includes a dielectric slab waveguide with a small lossy metallic object nearby. The object causes light to be scattered, absorbed, and both reflected and transmitted along the waveguide. Learn more in this accompanying blog post: Modeling a Scatterer Near an Optical Waveguide Per saperne di più
This tutorial model shows how to set up a model of a pulsed capacitive discharge. The on pulse consists of 10 periods of excitation at 13.56MHz, followed by no excitation for 100 periods. The I-V characteristics, the electron density, temperature and plasma potential are studied. Per saperne di più
This is a tutorial of a slot die coating process in 3D where the channel is obstructed. The example uses a two-phase flow phase-field method with a non-Newtonian power-law fluid. The effects on the film thickness of the channel obstruction can clearly be seen. Per saperne di più
In this model a Knowles ED23146 receiver (miniature loudspeaker) is connected to a test set-up consisting of a 50 mm (1 mm diameter) earmold tube and a so-called 0.4-cc coupler. The receiver is modeled using a lumped spice network and connected to the finite element domain at the tube ... Per saperne di più
Periodic microstructures are frequently found in composite materials, metallic foams, and sandwich structures. They can be described by a unit cell repeated along the three Cartesian directions. This app computes homogenized material properties of various periodic microstructures and ... Per saperne di più
Passive devices can be designed using lumped element features if both the operating frequency of the device and the insertion loss of lumped elements are low. This example simulates two types of lumped element filters that are similar to lumped ports, except that they are strictly ... Per saperne di più
A solidly-mounted resonator (SMR) is a piezoelectric MEMS resonator formed on top of an acoustic mirror stack deposited on a thick substrate. This tutorial shows how to simulate an SMR in 2D. In this example, the eigenmodes were computed and the frequency response from 500 to 1200 MHz ... Per saperne di più
A square airbag is inflated using constant air pressure. In some regions of the airbag the material wrinkles during inflation, as negative principal stresses develop. The wrinkling membrane model within the tension field theory gives a correct description of the stress distribution and ... Per saperne di più
The Thermal Actuator Surrogate Model application demonstrates how to accelerate computation for multiphysics analysis using a surrogate model. A surrogate model is a simpler, usually computationally cheaper model, which is used to approximate the behavior of a more complex, and often ... Per saperne di più
This app demonstrates the following: Parameterized geometries Visualizing material appearance, color, and texture Multiple plots in the same window to visualize the results Options to visualize the results with different views using check boxes Microstrip patch antenna arrays are ... Per saperne di più