La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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The electron energy distribution function (EEDF) plays an important role in the overall behavior of discharges. In this example, the formation period of an Argon plasma is studied with special attention paid to the EEDF. The plasma is created within a 4 cm gap by a DC source voltage of 1 ... Per saperne di più
A 180° Ring Hybrid (Rat-Race Coupler) is a four-port network with 180° phase difference between two ports. It is cheaper to manufacture this type of microstrip line component compared to a wave guide 180° hybrid junction, so called magic-T. The objective of this model is to compute the S ... Per saperne di più
In this example, a heat-conduction problem with phase change in a porous material is solved, and the results are compared with the analytical solution, also known as the Lunardini solution. This is the first test case from the InterFrost project. ... Per saperne di più
This example describes how to simulate the self-lubricating phenomenon of a liquid lubricant in a journal bearing. A porous bushing is press-fitted to a bearing and saturated with a lubricant. It acts as a reservoir for the redistribution of the thin film of lubricant between regions of ... Per saperne di più
Streamers are transient filamentary electric discharges that can develop in a nonconducting background in the presence of an intense electric field. These discharges can attain high electron number density and consequently a high concentration of chemical active species that are relevant ... Per saperne di più
In this time-dependent model, a silica block of glass, coated with a thin copper layer is subjected to a heat flux. Copper is a highly conductive material, while the silica glass is of poor thermal conductivity, which sets up an highly-varied temperature differential. The model must ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial models how the relative humidity of the inlet gases impacts the performance of a low-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane-electrode assembly. The model includes humidity-dependent ionomer (electrolyte) conductivities, gas phase mass transport and water ionomer ... Per saperne di più
Buckling is a structural instability that can lead to failure of a component even without initial material failure. Computation of the critical buckling loads and mode shapes can therefore be important from a design viewpoint, even though it has previously been determined that the ... Per saperne di più
This model evaluates the temperature distribution in 3 buried cables in a situation where the soil surface temperature is known. The temperature profile obtained with a thermal circuit approach for the cables is compared with a FEM approach. The thermal circuit properties are established ... Per saperne di più
This model demonstrates how to couple the Radiative Beam in Absorbing Media interface to the Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media interface. To learn more about this model, see our accompanying blog post “Modeling Absorption and Scattering of Collimated Light”. Per saperne di più