La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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One method for removing cancerous tumors from healthy tissue is to heat the malignant tissue to a critical temperature that kills the cancer cells. This example accomplishes the localized heating by inserting a four-armed electric probe through which an electric current runs. Equations ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial shows how to model tissue heating induced by focused ultrasound. First, the stationary acoustic field in the water and the tissue are modeled to obtain the acoustic intensity distribution in the tissue. The absorbed acoustic energy is then calculated and used as the heat ... Per saperne di più
A thermoacoustic engine is a device with no moving parts that can generate acoustic energy from temperature gradients within the engine. It uses the relationship between the movement of oscillating air and the temperature changes in the air compressed and expanded by the acoustic waves. ... Per saperne di più
This example demonstrates how to model phase transition by a moving boundary interface according to the Stefan problem. A square cavity containing both solid and liquid tin is submitted to a temperature difference between left and right boundaries. Fluid and solid parts are solved in ... Per saperne di più
In fuel cell power generators, a steam reformer unit typically produces the hydrogen needed for the cell stack. This example illustrates the modeling of a steam reformer. The reformation chemistry occurs in a porous catalytic bed where energy is supplied through heating tubes to drive ... Per saperne di più
This example model consists of a two-hot-arm thermal actuator made of polysilicon. The actuator is activated through thermal expansion. The temperature increase required to deform the two hot arms, and thus displace the actuator, is obtained through Joule heating (resistive heating). The ... Per saperne di più
This is a model of an RF waveguide bend with a dielectric block inside. There are electromagnetic losses in the block as well as on the waveguide walls which cause the assembly to heat up over time. The material properties of the block are functions of temperature. The transient thermal ... Per saperne di più
This example studies heat transfer in a composite two-dimensional structure. Four materials with distinct thermal conductivities k compose the structure. The top and bottom boundaries are facing environments respectively at 0°C and 20°C. The temperature distribution and the heat flux ... Per saperne di più
This example is a model of a continuous casting process. Liquid metal is poured into a mold of uniform cross section. The outside of the mold is cooled and the metal solidifies as it flows through. When the metal leaves the mold, it is completely solidified on the outside, but still ... Per saperne di più
This is a model of the heating process in a microwave oven. The distributed heat source is computed in a stationary, frequency-domain electromagnetic analysis. This is followed by a transient heat transfer simulation showing how the heat redistributes in the food. Per saperne di più