La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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Sound is generated by a point source located in the wall of this test bench car interior. The sound pressure level response at a point of measurement is investigated for a range of frequencies and four different mesh resolutions. The model is first solved with the default direct solvers. ... Per saperne di più
Space charge limited emission is a phenomenon that restricts the current of charged particles that can be released from a surface. As the electron current released by a cathode increases, so does the magnitude of the charge density in the immediate vicinity of the cathode. This ... Per saperne di più
This example studies the deformation of a hemispherical shell, where the loads cause significant geometric nonlinearity. The maximum deflections are more than two magnitudes larger than the thickness of the shell. The problem is a standard benchmark, used for testing shell formulations ... Per saperne di più
This tubular reactor application, together with its associated embedded model, demonstrates how the computational speed can be increased with the use of a surrogate model, as opposed to a fully-fledged finite element model. A surrogate model is a simpler, usually computationally cheaper ... Per saperne di più
Newtonian telescopes, first invented in 1668 by Isaac Netwon, are still used today because of their low cost and simple design. Rays of light propagate from sources located at infinity, into the telescope. The rays reflect off a parabolic mirror, onto a flat mirror, and into the focal ... Per saperne di più
This example is about the modeling of the fiber drawing process. Thermal fiber drawing is a process in which a comparatively thicker structure is heated and drawn into extended lengths of microstructured fiber. This process is done by passing them through the furnace and pulling them ... Per saperne di più
Crystallization is a key separation process in e.g. pharmaceuticals production. It is the process by which a chemical species is separated from solution by forming a crystal. To achieve the required product properties, control over the crystal particle size distribution is necessary. ... Per saperne di più
This benchmark model simulates a GaAs nanowire using the self-consistent Schrödinger-Poisson theory to compute the electron density and the confining potential profiles. The predefined Schrödinger-Poisson multiphysics coupling feature is combined with the dedicated Schrödinger-Poisson ... Per saperne di più
In nature, geckos use dry adhesion forces to climb walls. They have inspired researchers to develop synthetic gecko foot hairs to be used in, for example, robot applications. This model contains the nano/micro hierarchy of a synthetic gecko foot hair, where cantilever beams both in nano ... Per saperne di più
Electrical cables, also called transmission lines, are used everywhere in the modern world to transmit both power and data. These cables carry electromagnetic energy, but instead of dealing with the full complexity of the electromagnetic fields, they are more commonly classified ... Per saperne di più