La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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This verification model uses the Electromagnetic Waves, Boundary Elements interface to simulate the RCS of perfectly conducting sphere. The simulated result is compared to analytical calculation to verify the accuracy. Per saperne di più
This model demonstrates how to use the Interior Contact feature to model the contact pressure at a bolted joint connecting two copper busbars. The AC current flowing through the assembly is induced to flow close to the outside boundaries of the conductors, but the contact resistance is ... Per saperne di più
The study explores charge transport dynamics in polyethylene, a common solid dielectric insulation material. It employs a bipolar charge transport model to calculate the densities of electrons, holes, and their trapped counterparts. The simulation's outcomes for discharge current and ... Per saperne di più
This example demonstrates how to compute transmission line parameters such as series resistance, series inductance, shunt conductance, and shunt capacitance per unit length using the predefined Transmission Line RLGC Parameters multiphysics interface. The demonstration also includes the ... Per saperne di più
This model simulates the flow through a uniform inclined screen using the Screen feature in Single-Phase Flow physics and compares the results with an analytic solution. Per saperne di più
In this model of an ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel cell, the required hydrogen is supplied through endothermic thermal decomposition of ammonia. The model includes the full coupling between the mass balances and gas flow in the H2 and O2 gas diffusion electrodes, the momentum balances in ... Per saperne di più
This model presents a method to analyze acoustic damping pads. These pads use a constrained layer of viscoelastic material to dissipate energy and thus reduce the energy radiated as noise. Damping pads are used in many different industries to reduce the noise generated by vibrating ... Per saperne di più
Non-Newtonian fluids have complex flow characteristics that vary with shear rate, making their behavior in porous materials difficult to predict. Pore scale modeling captures these flow patterns at a microscopic level, helping derive properties for macroscale use. This model ... Per saperne di più
Some conventional three-port power dividers are resistive power dividers and T-junction power dividers. Such dividers are either lossy or not matched to the system reference impedance at all ports. In addition, isolation between two coupled ports is not guaranteed. The Wilkinson power ... Per saperne di più
The use of Aluminum (Al) isolator is a commonly employed mitigation strategy for galvanic corrosion between magnesium alloy (Mg) and mild steel (MS). The present model demonstrates the effect of Al isolator thickness on galvanic corrosion severity using a parametric study. The electrode ... Per saperne di più