La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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Si noti che molti degli esempi qui presentati sono accessibili anche tramite le Librerie delle Applicazioni incorporate nel software COMSOL Multiphysics® e disponibili dal menu File.
This benchmark model computes the load-carrying capacity of a one dimensional hydrodynamic step bearing. The results are compared with analytic expressions obtained by solving the Reynolds equations directly in this simple case. Per saperne di più
This example exemplifies the basics in how to optimize shapes using COMSOL Multiphysics®. A more detailed description of the phenomenon and the modeling process can be seen in the blog post "Designing New Structures with Shape Optimization". Per saperne di più
Inverted elements can prevent large deformations for shape optimization. This model demonstrates how this problem can be circumvented using export/import of the geometry and a model method. The technique is demonstrated on a benchmark problem from topology optimization, where the ... Per saperne di più
Oscillating chemical reactions were long thought to simply not exist in homogeneous solution, and even the poster child, the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction, met such an initial skepticism, that even though it was discovered in 1951, it took almost 20 years for it to gain widespread fame. ... Per saperne di più
This model is a static 3D simulation of a generator having a rotor with permanent magnets. The center of the rotor consists of annealed medium carbon steel, which is a nonlinear ferromagnetic material that is saturated at high magnetic flux densities. The core is surrounded by several ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the temperature and relative humidity computed by the simulation of heat and moisture transport in an insulated roof as inputs for a mold prediction model. The VTT model for mold growth and decline prediction computes a mold index M by solving an ... Per saperne di più
This example illustrates the modeling of a tensegrity table. The table is made of two rigid bodies connected through a central wire and four outer wires. Two cases are analyzed. In the first case, the top of the table is loaded with vertically downward acting load of varying magnitude. ... Per saperne di più
In this example, an SF6/argon plasma reactor at moderate pressure is studied using a global model. The heavy species heat equation is included. Parametric sweeps for input power and argon mole fraction are computed. Per saperne di più
This model demonstrates how to create a rotated helix geometry, i.e., a helix that is winded to form a torus. This is done sweeping a circle along a parametric curve. The radius of the torus and the radius of the coil are given as parameters as well as the number of windings of the coil. Per saperne di più
The present model demonstrates diffusion-controlled electrodeposition of copper on microstructured band electrode arrays (MEA). Mass transport by Fickian diffusion of copper ions is solved using the Transport of Diluted Species interface. Dendrite formation as a consequence of diffusion ... Per saperne di più