La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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This tutorial shows how to model tissue heating induced by focused ultrasound. First, the stationary acoustic field in the water and the tissue are modeled to obtain the acoustic intensity distribution in the tissue. The absorbed acoustic energy is then calculated and used as the heat ... Per saperne di più
The development of mixers does often not only have to account for effectiveness, but also other factors must be involved, such as cost and complexity for manufacturing. The three models study a laminar static micro mixer with two parallel sets of split-reshape-recombine mixing elements. ... Per saperne di più
This model simulates a temperature profile in a number of cells and cooling fins in a liquid-cooled battery pack. The model solves in 3D and for an operational point during a load cycle. A full 1D electrochemical model for the lithium battery calculates the average heat source. Per saperne di più
One of the most common reactors in the chemical industry, for use in heterogeneous catalytic processes, is the packed bed reactor. This type of reactor is used both in synthesis as well as in effluent treatment and catalytic combustion. This model is set up to calculate the ... Per saperne di più
Knowing the velocity of a moving fluid is important in all cases where the fluid is used to transport material or energy. In the time-of-flight or transit-time method for determining flow velocity, an ultrasonic signal is transmitted across the main flow in a pipe to noninvasively ... Per saperne di più
This example resembles the well-known double-slit interference experiment often demonstrated in schools with water waves or sound. The model mimics the plane-wave excitation with two thin waveguides leading to slits in a screen and computes the diffraction pattern on the opposite side of ... Per saperne di più
The heat distribution in a hollow pipe, whose ends are held at two different temperatures, is studied. The outside surface is assumed to be thermally isolated and the inner surfaces have radiation boundary conditions. The role of convection in the heat transfer is taken to be ... Per saperne di più
Modeling packed beds, monolithic reactors, and other catalytic heterogeneous reactors is substantially simplified with the Reacting Flow in Porous Media multiphysics interface. This defines the diffusion, convection, migration, and reaction of chemical species for porous media flow ... Per saperne di più
This model solves Poisson's equation on a unit disk with a point source at the origin. The mesh density is higher close to the origin to resolve the singularity. The computed solution is compared to the analytical solution. Per saperne di più
Planar photonic waveguides in silica (SiO2) have great potential for use in wavelength routing applications. The major problem with this type of waveguide is birefringence. Anisotropic refractive indices result in fundamental mode splitting and pulse broadening. The goal is to minimize ... Per saperne di più