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A classical flow pattern is the von Kármán vortex street that can form as fluid flows past an object. These vortices may induce vibrations in the object. This problem involves a fluid-structure interaction where the large deformation affect the flow path. The magnitude and the ... Per saperne di più
This model is a benchmark for three-phase flow commonly used in food processing, pharmaceutical industry, and chemical processing. The results are validated against data reported in the literature. A gas bubble rises through two layers of liquid, a lighter liquid resting on top of a ... Per saperne di più
This simple benchmark model computes the potential and carrier concentrations for a one-dimensional p-n junction using both the finite element and finite volume methods. The results are compared with an equivalent device from the book, "Semiconductor Devices: A Simulation Approach," by ... Per saperne di più
This example analyzes the deformation of a feeder clamp under stress. The clamp secures a feeder that carries high-frequency electromagnetic fields, and it’s important that it remains as straight as possible. Forces on the clamp include both those from the feeder as well as those on the ... Per saperne di più
This example illustrates the principle of electrochemical polishing. The simplified 2D model geometry consists of two electrodes and an intermediate electrolyte domain The positive electrode has a protrusion, representing a surface defect. The purpose of the model is to examine how this ... Per saperne di più
This example investigates the electrical and thermal characteristics of a plasma DC arc created in a point-to-plane configuration. The discharge is assumed to be in local thermodynamic equilibrium. The plasma is considered a conductive fluid medium and is modeled using a ... Per saperne di più
Liquid-solid mixtures (suspensions) are important in a variety of industrial fields, such as oil and gas refinement, paper manufacturing, food processing, slurry transport, and wastewater treatment. Several different modeling approaches have been developed by the CFD community, ranging ... Per saperne di più
The GEC cell was introduced by NIST in order to provide a standardized platform for experimental and modeling studies of discharges in different laboratories. The plasma is sustained via inductive heating. The Reference Cell operates as an inductively-coupled plasma in this model. This ... Per saperne di più
A scanning electron microscope samples images by scanning a target with a high-energy beam of electrons. The subsequent electron interactions produce signals such as secondary and back-scattered electrons that contain information about the sample surface topography. Electromagnetic ... Per saperne di più
A gearbox is used to transfer power from an engine to its associated wheels or cogs, which can result in radiating noise to the surroundings. This is due to the transmission of undesired lateral and axial forces on the bearings and housing, while transmitting power from one shaft to the ... Per saperne di più