La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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Si noti che molti degli esempi qui presentati sono accessibili anche tramite le Librerie delle Applicazioni incorporate nel software COMSOL Multiphysics® e disponibili dal menu File.
Thermal management has become a critical aspect of today’s electronic systems, which often include many high-performance circuits that dissipate large amounts of heat. Many of these components require efficient cooling to prevent overheating. Some of these components, such as processors, ... Per saperne di più
It is more difficult to generate laser emissions in the short-wavelength part of the visible and near visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum than in the long-wavelength part. Nonlinear frequency mixing makes it easier to generate new short wavelengths from existing laser ... Per saperne di più
The first part of the application computes the modes for a straight step index fiber made of silica glass. In the second part, a step index fiber bend with a 3 mm radius of curvature is analyzed with respect to propagating modes and radiation loss. It is shown how to find the power ... Per saperne di più
This is a model of a moving-coil loudspeaker where a lumped parameter analogy represents the behavior of the electrical and mechanical speaker components. The Thiele-Small parameters (small-signal parameters) serve as input to the lumped model, which is represented by an Electric Circuit ... Per saperne di più
Diffusion-induced stress in lithium-ion battery electrode materials can occur as a result of compositional inhomogeneities during lithium intercalation in the host material particles. These stresses are important since the electrode host material can undergo significant volume changes ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial model presents a study of a negative corona discharge in dry air at atmospheric pressure in a point-to-plane configuration. An elliptical electrode with millimeter dimensions creates a high intensity electric field where the corona discharge occurs. A ground plane is placed ... Per saperne di più
This app demonstrates the following: Importing measured data from a text file Handling measured data using methods Exporting the results to a text file Exporting the results as COMSOL Material Library file. The app is a companion to the Effective Nonlinear Constitutive Relations ... Per saperne di più
This example reproduces parts of the study of Ref. 1 on the thermal contact resistance at the interface between a heat sink and an electronic package. Eight cooling fins equip the cylindrical heat sink and contact is made at the radial boundaries of the package. The efficiency of the ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial is a benchmark model that reproduces the Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Method (TEAM) Problem 32, which evaluates numerical methods for the simulation of anisotropic magnetic hysteresis. A hysteretic three-limbed laminated iron core is subject to a time-varying magnetic ... Per saperne di più
Metal hydride tanks offer safe hydrogen storage, thanks to their low reactivity, and a relatively high hydrogen density. When developing metal hydride hydrogen tank designs, modeling and simulation is useful for optimizing operating conditions, such as gas composition, pressure, and ... Per saperne di più