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Schottky Contact This benchmark simulates the behavior of an ideal Schottky barrier diode made of a tungsten contact deposited on a silicon wafer. The resulting J-V (current density vs. applied voltage) curve obtained from the model under forward bias is compared with experimental ... Per saperne di più
The principle component of a quadrupole mass spectrometer is the mass filter which is used to filter ions with different charge to mass ratios. The quadrupole mass filter has been well studied over the years, Ref. 1 and the physics and optimal design are well understood. In a real ... Per saperne di più
In this model, we show how to model Seebeck effect which works as a thermoelectric generator. Seebeck effect is a phenomena where the difference in temperature of a material leads to a potential difference. The potential drawn in this model was compared with the paper by Jaegle (Example ... Per saperne di più
The coaxial cable (coax) is one of the most ubiquitous transmission line structures. It is composed of a central circular conductor, surrounded by an annular dielectric, and shielded by an outer conductor. This model computes the electric and magnetic field distribution inside of the ... Per saperne di più
Layered shell elements, which are used for modeling composite shells, often connected to solid and shell elements in cladding or side-by-side configuration to represent a realistic structure. For such applications, it becomes important to connect layered shell element correctly and ... Per saperne di più
In this example, the structural integrity of a cylinder made by a fiber composite is assessed both at the macroscale and at the microscale level. Along with macroscale analyses, structural composites need microscale stress and failure analyses to identify the critical constituents in ... Per saperne di più
In this example, the homogenized elastic and viscoelastic properties of a particulate composite are computed based on the individual properties of elastic particles embedded in a viscoelastic matrix. Periodic boundary conditions are applied to a unit cell of the particulate composite ... Per saperne di più
Electrodialysis is a separation process for electrolytes based on the use of electric fields and ion selective membranes. Some common applications of the electrodialysis process are: Desalination of process streams, effluents, and drinking water pH regulation in order to remove acids ... Per saperne di più
Silicon carbide (SiC) epitaxial furnaces are a specialized equipment for the production and preparation of SiC epitaxial wafers. This example model demonstrates the process of preparing an SiC epitaxial wafer based on the physical vapor transport (PVT) method in a furnace. This involves ... Per saperne di più
This model approximates 3D spherical transport using a 1D model. Many models of industrial-transport problems allow the assumption that the problem is spherically symmetric. This assumption is of great importance because it eliminates two space coordinates to result in a 1D problem that ... Per saperne di più