La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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Acoustic streaming, a steady flow induced by sound waves, has been used in biomedical and engineering industrial., Examples include enhancement of convective heat transfer, ultrasonic cleaning, localized micro-mixing, hemolysis of blood cells, and micropumps etc. The phenomenon is ... Per saperne di più
The standard biventricular cardiac model is used to show how to set up fiber directions in a complex geometry. The fibers are then used to model the large deformation of the myocardium with the Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden anisotropic material model. The Aliev-Panfilov equations are included ... Per saperne di più
A simple model for groundwater contamination portrays a well that is bored into an aquifer. The aquifer consists of a partially saturated layer and a fully saturated layer. The model investigates how much of the contaminant ends up in the well after a contaminant is introduced in the ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial model shows how a user-defined coordinate system can be used to create any type of directional polarization of a piezoelectric material. Results are shown for the case of radial polarization of a piezoelectric disk. The piezoelectric material is PZT-5H. The example shows a ... Per saperne di più
This example shows how to set up self-contact for a coil spring. As the spring is compressed by a vertical force applied to one of its ends, it comes into to contact with itself and starts to rotate. Per saperne di più
This model illustrates the dynamics of helical gears. It is built using the gears functionality in the Multibody Dynamics interface in COMSOL Multiphysics. A transient study is performed to analyze the effect of constant gear mesh stiffness, varying gear mesh stiffness, and the ... Per saperne di più
In this tutorial, the eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies of an air bubble in water is modeled and compared with analytical solutions. The effects of surface tension is included and allows to model both the pulsating mode and the surface modes of the bubble. Lastly, the effect of the ... Per saperne di più
This application shows how mass transfer out from a thin 3D domain can be approximated using a 2D component with the domain feature Out-of-Plane Flux. This feature is useful when the concentration gradient in the out-of-plane direction (along the thickness) is small, and decreasing the ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial model shows how a plate-fin heat exchanger made of aluminum is used to cool down hot oil with colder air. In order to maximize heat transfer, the heat exchanger is made of a porous aluminum matrix in which the hot oil flows. Heat is conducted through aluminum fins in ... Per saperne di più
The pyrolysis of a centimeter-sized wood particle presents a fully coupled multiphysics problem with mass transfer, fluid flow, and heat transfer. This example model consists of two parts. The first part demonstrates how to set up a model describing the pyrolysis of a porous, ... Per saperne di più