La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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This model uses the discrete-ordinates method (DOM) to analyze the radiative heat transfer in a utility boiler with internal obstacles. DOM is one of the most useful radiation models for prediction of radiative heat fluxes on the furnace walls of a combustion chamber. With this model, ... Per saperne di più
This example shows how to set up multiple sandwiched thin layers with different thermal conductivities in two different ways. First, the composite is modeled as a 3D object. In the second approach, the thin domains are modeled with thermal resistors in the Lumped Thermal System ... Per saperne di più
Fluid dampers are used in military devices for shock isolation and in civil structures for suppressing earthquake-induced shaking and wind-induced vibrations, among many other applications. Fluid dampers work by dissipating the mechanical energy into heat. This model shows the phenomenon ... Per saperne di più
This example models the heating inside an oven with the Single Phase Flow, Heat Transfer and Surface-to-Surface Radiation interfaces. It accounts for conductive, convective and radiative heat transfer. Two computation approaches are set up: A one-way nonisothermal flow (one-way NITF) ... Per saperne di più
Maximizing product yield is a main task in chemical reaction engineering. This can be especially challenging if the desired product, once formed, can be consumed by further reactions. This example investigates such a series reaction as it occurs in a tubular reactor. You will start by ... Per saperne di più
This model shows how you can use the Non-Isothermal Pipe Flow interface together with the Heat Transfer in Solids interface to model the cooling of a injection molded polyurethane part for a car steering wheel. The equations describing the cooling channels are fully coupled to the heat ... Per saperne di più
In this time-dependent model, a silica block of glass, coated with a thin copper layer is subjected to a heat flux. Copper is a highly conductive material, while the silica glass is of poor thermal conductivity, which sets up an highly-varied temperature differential. The model must ... Per saperne di più
Hydrodynamic bearings generate heat due to the viscous losses in the lubricant. As a result, the temperature of the rotor increases causing deformation and thermal stresses in both the rotor and the bearing housing. This example shows how to model different physical phenomena that are ... Per saperne di più
This model treats the free convection and heat transfer of a glass of cold water heated to room temperature. Initially, the glass and the water are at 5 °C and are then put on a table in a room at 25 °C. The nonisothermal flow is coupled to heat transfer using the Heat Transfer module. Per saperne di più
Ponds and lakes can serve as thermal reservoirs in geothermal heating applications. In this example, fluid circulates underwater through polyethylene piping in a closed system. The pipes are coiled in a slinky shape and grouped onto sleds. The Non-isothermal Pipe Flow interface sets up ... Per saperne di più