La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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This model presents a time-dependent study of a microchannel that is used to infuse and flush another piece of equipment with a fluid. The pressure at the five inlets varies sinusoidally as functions of time, and the velocity vector at the outlet is studied. The model uses an ... Per saperne di più
This is a model of the secondary current distribution in a zinc electrowinning cell. The model investigates the impact on the current distribution when changing the electrode alignment in a parametric study. The geometry is in 2D. Per saperne di più
This model exemplifies how the rate of steel corrosion in an oil platform increases over time due to build-up of a resistive film on the sacrificial anodes, formed by reaction products. The model also includes secondary current distribution electrode kinetics on the protected steel ... Per saperne di più
This model serves the purpose of validation and verification of the Linear Elastic Material, Layered model in the Shell interface. In COMSOL Multiphysics, composites are analyzed either based on Layerwise 3D elasticity theory through the Layered Shell interface or based on FSDT-ESL ... Per saperne di più
Electrical events, such as an overcurrent or overload, can seriously damage electrical circuits or power lines. To avoid expensive replacements of critical parts, electric switch circuit breakers can be installed. These mechanically interrupt the current flow or surge by moving a plunger ... Per saperne di più
This example simulates the insertion of a snap hook in its groove. Fasteners like this are common in the automotive industry, for example, in the control panel of a car. In this case it is important to know the force that must be applied in order to place the hook in the slot and also ... Per saperne di più
Portal Cranes are common when handling heavy loads. In this example, the Beam interface is used to compute the stresses in a portal crane designed for lifting 15 tons. Three load cases are considered: self weight, payload, and thermal expansion on a hot summer day. An internal hinge ... Per saperne di più
This example models the radiation of fan noise from the annular duct of a turbofan aeroengine. When the jet stream exits the duct, a vortex sheet appears along the extension of the duct wall due to the surrounding air moving at a lower speed. The near field on both sides of the vortex ... Per saperne di più
The process of filling a water balloon is a vivid example for the interaction of fluid pressure and a nonlinear structural material. This model demonstrates how straightforward a FSI simulation model is set up in COMSOL. Per saperne di più
Interfacial failure or delamination in a composite material can be simulated with a cohesive zone model (CZM). A key ingredient of a cohesive zone model is a traction-separation law that describes the softening in the cohesive zone near the delamination tip. This example shows the ... Per saperne di più