La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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Si noti che molti degli esempi qui presentati sono accessibili anche tramite le Librerie delle Applicazioni incorporate nel software COMSOL Multiphysics® e disponibili dal menu File.
This example investigates the electrical performance of a cascaded cavity filter operating in the millimeter-wave 5G band with temperature changes. The thermal variations result in structural deformations of the structure. Thus, the resonant frequencies of the filter elements (cavities) ... Per saperne di più
Many applications involve simulating the electromagnetic behavior of relatively thin material in voluminous domains. To save computer memory and processing time, the thin materials can be treated differently by resolving them with 3D meshes. Here, the modeling domain is a box filled ... Per saperne di più
This example applies an Oldroyd-B fluid to model the thinning of a viscoelastic filament under the action of surface tension. For times smaller than the polymer relaxation time, the filament develops a beads-on-string structure. At times much larger than the relaxation time, the solution ... Per saperne di più
This model demonstrates the switching capability of a liquid crystal (LC) display cell in In-Plane Switching (IPS) configuration. The Oseen-Frank model is used to solve for the LC director (optical axis) distribution when a static electric field is applied. A Weak Form PDE interface is ... Per saperne di più
This example models heat generation in a beam-like structure subjected to small amplitude vibrations. The model computes the linear elastic response in the frequency domain. The transient heat-transfer analysis simulates the slow-rising temperature in the beam using the heat generated ... Per saperne di più
This application uses the Chemical Reaction Engineering Module to study an elementary, exothermic, irreversible reaction in a tubular reactor (liquid phase, laminar flow regime). To keep its temperature down, the reactor uses a cooling jacket with a constant coolant temperature. The ... Per saperne di più
In this tutorial example, the concepts of Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) are introduced through a simple solid model of a cantilever beam. Parts of the beam are reduced by the CMS technique. It is, furthermore, shown how CMS can be used to represent both the static and dynamic behavior ... Per saperne di più
In a polymerization reactor for polyester manufacturing, the mixing in the reactor is achieved by impinging turbulent jets of reactants onto each other. The turbulence affects the reaction kinetics and quality of the polymer linkage. Turbulent flows involving rapid reaction kinetics are ... Per saperne di più
Rechargeable lithium-air batteries have recently attracted great interest mainly due to their high energy density. The theoretical value is about 11400 Wh/kg which is around 10 times greater than the lithium-ion batteries. In this tutorial, discharge of a lithium-air battery is ... Per saperne di più
Anisotropic hyperelastic materials are used for modeling collagenous soft tissue in arterial walls. The Arterial Wall Mechanics application describes a section of an artery based on the Holzapfel–Gasser-Ogden hyperelastic material model. In this example the dynamic behavior of the artery ... Per saperne di più