La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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Si noti che molti degli esempi qui presentati sono accessibili anche tramite le Librerie delle Applicazioni incorporate nel software COMSOL Multiphysics® e disponibili dal menu File.
Mode analysis is a basic tool for a wide range of radiofrequency and wave optics calculations because it allows for the investigation of mode characteristics in complex waveguide structures. In this tutorial model, you can find two examples that demonstrate typical settings and best ... Per saperne di più
A classic benchmark example in computational electromagnetics is to find the resonant frequency and Q-factor of a cavity with lossy walls. Here, models of rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical cavities are shown to be in agreement with analytic solutions. Per saperne di più
This is a model of the heating process in a microwave oven. The distributed heat source is computed in a stationary, frequency-domain electromagnetic analysis. This is followed by a transient heat transfer simulation showing how the heat redistributes in the food. Per saperne di più
Surface plasmon-based circuits are being used in applications such as plasmonic chips, light generation, and nanolithography. The Plasmonic Wire Grating Analyzer application computes the coefficients of refraction, specular reflection, and first-order diffraction as functions of the ... Per saperne di più
The microstrip patch antenna is used in a wide range of applications since it is easy to design and fabricate. The antenna is attractive due to its low-profile conformal design, relatively low cost and very narrow bandwidth. It is known that the antenna impedance will be higher than an ... Per saperne di più
Electromagnetic heating is ideally suited for modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics. This model shows the area of hyperthermic oncology but the modeling issues and techniques are generally applicable to any problem involving electromagnetic heating. The purpose of this model is to compute the ... Per saperne di più
The dipole antenna is one of the most straightforward antenna configurations. It can be realized with two thin metallic rods that have a sinusoidal voltage difference applied between them. The length of the rods is chosen such that they are quarter wavelength elements at the operating ... Per saperne di più
These examples show how to model a rectangular waveguide for microwaves in 2D and 3D. A single hollow waveguide can conduct two kinds of electromagnetic waves: transversal magnetic (TM) or transversal electric (TE) waves. The models examine a TE wave that has no electric field ... Per saperne di più
RF coils are important in numerous applications ranging from wireless technology to MRI scanning equipment. This introductory tutorial model demonstrates how to find the fundamental resonance frequency of an RF coil as well as how to perform a frequency sweep to extract the coil's Q ... Per saperne di più
This is a model of an RF waveguide bend with a dielectric block inside. There are electromagnetic losses in the block as well as on the waveguide walls which cause the assembly to heat up over time. The material properties of the block are functions of temperature. The transient thermal ... Per saperne di più