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An evanescent mode cavity filter can be realized by adding a structure inside of the cavity. This structure changes the resonant frequency lower than the dominant mode of the unfilled cavity. A piezo actuator is used to control the size of a small air gap which provides the tunability of ... Per saperne di più
In signal integrity (SI) applications, time-domain reflectometry (TDR) is a useful technique for analyzing the discontinuity in a signal path by observing the reflected signal strength. The reflected signal distorts the input pulse mainly by impedance mismatch if there is no external ... Per saperne di più
A cascaded cavity filter provides much better bandpass filter performance compared to a single cavity. Out-of-band rejection improves dramatically using a cascaded design. This model uses three rectangular cavity filters coupled via slots. The calculated S-parameters show excellent out ... Per saperne di più
Microstrip filters can be fabricated directly on a printed circuit board (PCB) with a microstrip line going from the input to the output. Along the microstrip line there are a number of stubs of certain lengths and widths. The design of the filter involves choosing the impedance of the ... Per saperne di più
It is possible to shape the radiation pattern and steer the beam from an antenna array by controlling the relative phases and magnitudes of the input signal. This example shows how to design an active electronically scanned array (AESA) using arithmetic phase progression on each antenna ... Per saperne di più
An axisymmetric 3D structure such as a conical horn antenna can be simulated in a fast and efficient way using only its 2D layout. In this model, the antenna radiation and matching characteristics are computed very quickly with respect to the dominant TE mode from the given circular ... Per saperne di più
A Touchstone file describes the frequency responses of an n-port network circuit in terms of S-parameters. This can be used to simplify arbitrarily complex circuits. The Touchstone file can be obtained from numerical simulations or network analyzer measurements. The obtained file for a ... Per saperne di più
A very wide band coaxial low-pass filter is designed using a 2D axisymmetric model. To address the wide band frequency response with a fine frequency resolution, the model is built with a transient physics interface first. Then, S-parameters are calculated using a time-to-frequency ... Per saperne di più
A conductive diaphragm, an iris, placed transverse to a waveguide aperture causes a discontinuity and generates shunt reactance. Bandpass frequency response can be achieved from cascaded cavity resonators combined with these reactive elements which can be created by inserting a series of ... Per saperne di più
A Butler matrix is a passive beamforming feed network. It is a cost-effective feed network for phased array antennas because the circuit can be fabricated in the form of microstrip lines and is a viable solution for performing beam scanning without deploying expensive active devices. ... Per saperne di più