La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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In this model, the transmitter (microstrip patch) and receiver (Yagi–Uda) antennas are modeled simultaneously in the FEM domain and are coupled with FEM–BEM coupling. The results are compared with the analytical Friis transmission formula. In detail, the emw and emw2 interfaces find out ... Per saperne di più
In this tutorial, an uncertainty quantification analysis is performed on the Microstrip Patch Antenna model from the RF Module Application Library to explore how variations in input parameters, such as material properties or geometric variations, impact the antenna’s performance in terms ... Per saperne di più
The model utilizes a dedicated mesh refinement study, Frequency Domain RF Adaptive Mesh, which dynamically refines the mesh in the region of interest. For the Application Library model Microstrip Patch Antenna, it increases the mesh resolution around areas with high field variations. The ... Per saperne di più
This example exemplifies how to model the impedance of a waveguide of varying cross sectional area. A more detailed description of the phenomenon and the modeling process can be seen in the blog post "Computing the Impedance of a Corrugated Waveguide". Per saperne di più
A diplexer is a device that combines or splits signals into two different frequency bands, widely used in mobile communication systems. This example simulates splitting properties using a simplified 2D geometry. The geometry is optimized using shape optimization in order to get the ... Per saperne di più
In food industries, microwave heating is gaining attention over a conventional heating treatment because of several advantages such as precise process control, speed of heating, fast turn-on and turn-off time, etc. In this model, a high directional Yagi-Uda antenna is used to heat up ... Per saperne di più
In this model, the electrical performance of a W-band waveguide to microstrip line transition (WMLT) is investigated. A standard WR10 waveguide is used and the transition from waveguide to microstrip line is achieved by utilizing the longitudinal probe (also known as E-plane probe) ... Per saperne di più
This model is used to demonstrate the solution to a classic brainteaser in electromagnetics. A long loop of wire is connected to a source and a receiver, which are placed 1 meter apart. The objective of the model is to compute how long it takes for the receiver to sense when the source ... Per saperne di più
A waveguide filter is designed using shape optimization by moving and scaling rectangles in the geometry. The irises of the initial geometry are optimized to ensure good bandpass response and out-of-band rejection, while maintaining the double mirror symmetry. The EGO optimization solver ... Per saperne di più
This model demonstrates how to find the optimal size and position of a water pipe in an air chamber, so that the energy absorption in the water is maximized. The objective is implemented as a constraint, so that the optimization terminates, when the desired performance is achieved. Per saperne di più