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Planar photonic waveguides in silica (SiO2) have great potential for use in wavelength routing applications. The major problem with this type of waveguide is birefringence. Anisotropic refractive indices result in fundamental mode splitting and pulse broadening. The goal is to minimize ... Per saperne di più
Focusing a laser beam onto the tip of a single mode fiber is a common way to couple light. To achieve good coupling efficiency, the spatial mode of the light field has to match the spatial mode of the fiber. In this model, we use the beam envelope method to compute a small free-space ... Per saperne di più
These examples demonstrate how to compute the total reflection, transmission, and absorption of light when a plane wave, at optical wavelengths, is incident upon a dielectric slab with a thin metal coating. Three examples are included that show: An optically flat slab A slab with a ... Per saperne di più
A planar dielectric slab waveguide demonstrates the principles behind any kind of dielectric waveguide such as a ridge waveguide or a step-index fiber. This model solves for the effective index and fields of a dielectric slab waveguide and compares the solution to analytic results. Per saperne di più
Two embedded optical waveguides in close proximity form a directional coupler. The cladding material is GaAs and the core material is ion-implanted GaAs. The waveguide is excited by the two first supermodes of the waveguide structure - the symmetric and antisymmetric modes. Two numeric ... Per saperne di più
A tapered optical waveguide structure is used for matching two waveguides having different geometric cross sections and/or different material parameters. The tapered waveguide has one geometric cross section at the input plane and another cross section at the output plane. In between ... Per saperne di più
Dielectric microspheres can support whispering gallery modes with high optical quality factors. This model illustrates how to compute the different eigenmodes and resonance frequencies. The resonance frequencies are either filtered by their spatial localization in the resonator or by ... Per saperne di più
Frequency-selective surfaces (FSS) are periodic structures with a bandpass or a bandstop frequency response. This model shows that only signals around the center frequency can pass through the periodic complementary split ring resonator layer. Per saperne di più
A plane electromagnetic wave propagating through free space is incident at an angle upon an infinite dielectric medium. This model computes the reflection and transmission coefficients and compares the results to the Fresnel equations. Per saperne di più
A Fabry-Perot resonator is one of the fundamental optical devices and has a broad range of applications. A few examples are that it can be used to measure length, frequency/wavelength or to filter specific spatial modes. This model uses the Beam Envelopes Interface in the bidirectional ... Per saperne di più