Magnetorheological Fluid Based Braking System Using L-shaped Disks
This paper presents a novel design of multi-disks Magnetorheological braking system (MR brake) for automotive application. Magnetic saturation in both electromagnetic core and MR fluid is considered in this paper. The electromagnetic analysis of the proposed configuration is carried out using Finite Element based COMSOL Multiphysics® software (AC/DC Module). The system geometry, created using AutoCAD® software, is discretized using a finite number of triangular elements with a higher concentration of elements near the internal boundaries. Post processing option of COMSOL Multiphysics software is utilized to calculate the magnetic field distribution and magnetic flux density inside the MR fluid and electromagnetic core. A one dimensional analytical model is developed to calculate the braking torque of the proposed system. The performance of the proposed design shows improvement over the designs available in the existing literature considering the same dimensional restrictions.

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