Simulation and Optimization of the Speed Flow in COMSOL Multiphysics® during the Suction of the Dust Pump for Granite Polishing Operation
Polishing is one of the oldest finishing processes. However, exposure to emissions of crystalline silica dust is high. Some toxicological studies have identified this pollutant as responsible for a particular type of lung cancer, silicosis. Operational solutions are needed for reducing near-field emissions of fine and ultrafine dust. Granite dust is emitted at high concentrations during polishing, and most sampling equipment does not allow measurements in such conditions. Therefore, we must develop a dilution system. It has been shown that when the dust extraction polishing system creates excess turbulence in the air, there is a significant loss of granite particles in the diphasic flow. In this project, we use COMSOL Multiphysics® for simulating flow in the dust extraction during polishing of granite.

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