Scopri come la simulazione multifisica viene utilizzata per ricerca e sviluppo
In questa sezione troverete i lavori presentati alle Conferenze mondiali COMSOL. Le presentazioni descrivono ricerche e prodotti innovativi progettati con COMSOL Multiphysics da colleghi di tutto il mondo. I temi delle ricerche presentate abbracciano un'ampia gamma di settori produttivi e aree applicative, in ambito elettrico, meccanico, fluidodinamico e chimico. Lo strumento di Ricerca Rapida vi permetterà di trovare le presentazioni che si riferiscono all'area di vostro interesse.
Visualizza gli articoli presentati alla COMSOL Conference 2020
At Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the COMSOL Multiphysics software has become a reliable and important resource to estimate and assess thermal safety margins for several nuclear applications. This poster presentation will highlight some of the ongoing activities in the following ... Per saperne di più
The IR CO2 laser powered chemical conversions in the gas phase are intriguing and the researchers’ attention was focused on this transformation a while ago. The method, known as Infrared Laser Powered Homogeneous Pyrolysis, or IR LPHP opened reaction pathways not reached by conventional ... Per saperne di più
Viscoelastic flow of polymer based energetic materials exiting an extrusion die is a particularly challenging phenomenon to describe by modelling and simulation due to non-Newtonian effects in the die and significant swelling at the exit. This project aims to develop a simulation model ... Per saperne di più
The Helicon Injected Inertial Plasma Electrostatic Rocket (HIIPER) is an electric space propulsion concept to generate denser ion and electron beams using inertial electrostatic confinement (IEC) fusion theory and helicon source. Helicon source is employed to generate the plasma and the ... Per saperne di più
Optimization of mixing in microfluidic devices is a popular application of computational fluid dynamics software packages, such as COMSOL Multiphysics, with an increasing number of studies being published on the topic. On one hand, the laminar nature of the flow and lack of turbulence in ... Per saperne di più
Atomic layer deposition(ALD) is one proven method to deposit ultra-thin films. ALD is advantageous for its atomic-level thickness control and conformity; leading to high quality films. Slow deposition rates for conventional ALD contribute to the impracticality of utilization of this ... Per saperne di più
A tapered cylindrical microwave resonant cavity, a frustum, also commonly known as an EM Drive, has been reported to produce thrust by the generation of EM radiation within a resonant cavity without using any propellants. In order to determine how a sealed microwave cavity can produce ... Per saperne di più
At the Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC), simulation analysts are often called upon to evaluate designs and manufacturing processes performed in the plant. Precision mechanisms need to be assembled on clean benches that provide laminar airflow to prevent dust contamination. ... Per saperne di più
Recent rapid progress in MEMS with wireless communication system has enabled low power micro sensor network for human body, Body Area Sensor Network (BASN). The information gathering from BASNs will provide a significant opportunities for various medical applications. One of the key ... Per saperne di più
Introduction Computer science has become siginificant tool for design, research and development in many industries and universities. On high-level simulation area such as multiphysics simulation area where many physics are coupled, in general, only professionals could handle such state ... Per saperne di più